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1   /**
2    * Copyright 2008 WebPhotos
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  /**
17   * 
18   */
19  package net.sf.webphotos.locator;
21  /**
22   * @author Guilhe
23   * 
24   */
25  public class EJBDAOLocator extends BasicEJBLocator {
26  	private static EJBDAOLocator instance = new EJBDAOLocator();
28  	public static EJBDAOLocator getInstance() {
29  		return instance;
30  	}
32  	/*private static final String REMOTE_TURMASDAO = "java:comp/env/ejb/remote/TurmasDAO";
33  	private static final String REMOTE_MATRICULASDAO = "java:comp/env/ejb/remote/MatriculasDAO";
34  	private static final String REMOTE_MEMBERSHIPDAO = "java:comp/env/ejb/remote/MembershipDAO";
35  	private static final String REMOTE_CURSOSDAO = "java:comp/env/ejb/remote/CursosDAO";*/
37  	private EJBDAOLocator() {
38  		initEJBContext();
39  	}
41      /*
43  	public CursosDAO getRemoteCursosDAO() throws WebfotosException {
44  		InitialContext initCtx = getEJBContext();
45  		Object ref = null;
46  		CursosDAO ejb = null;
47  		try {
48  			ref = initCtx.lookup(REMOTE_CURSOSDAO);
49  			CursosDAOHome cursosDAOHome = (CursosDAOHome) PortableRemoteObject
50  					.narrow(ref, CursosDAOHome.class);
51  			ejb = cursosDAOHome.create();
52  		} catch (Exception ex) {
53  			Debug.log(
54  					"Erro ao tentar localizar o EJB CursosDAO via remote interface"
55  							+ ex.getMessage(), 9);
56  			throw new WebfotosException(
57  					"Erro ao tentar localizar o EJB CursosDAO via remote interface"
58  							+ ex.getMessage(), ex);
59  		}
60  		return ejb;
61  	}
63  	public MatriculasDAO getRemoteMatriculasDAO() throws WebfotosException {
64  		InitialContext initCtx = getEJBContext();
65  		Object ref = null;
66  		MatriculasDAO ejb = null;
67  		try {
68  			ref = initCtx.lookup(REMOTE_MATRICULASDAO);
69  			MatriculasDAOHome matriculasDAOHome = (MatriculasDAOHome) PortableRemoteObject
70  					.narrow(ref, MatriculasDAOHome.class);
71  			ejb = matriculasDAOHome.create();
72  		} catch (Exception ex) {
73  			Debug.log(
74  					"Erro ao tentar localizar o EJB MatriculasDAO via remote interface"
75  							+ ex.getMessage(), 9);
76  			throw new WebfotosException(
77  					"Erro ao tentar localizar o EJB MatriculasDAO via remote interface"
78  							+ ex.getMessage(), ex);
79  		}
80  		return ejb;
81  	}
83  	public TurmasDAO getRemoteTurmasDAO() throws WebfotosException {
84  		InitialContext initCtx = getEJBContext();
85  		Object ref = null;
86  		TurmasDAO ejb = null;
87  		try {
88  			ref = initCtx.lookup(REMOTE_TURMASDAO);
89  			TurmasDAOHome turmasDAOHome = (TurmasDAOHome) PortableRemoteObject
90  					.narrow(ref, TurmasDAOHome.class);
91  			ejb = turmasDAOHome.create();
92  		} catch (Exception ex) {
93  			Debug.log(
94  					"Erro ao tentar localizar o EJB TurmasDAO via remote interface"
95  							+ ex.getMessage(), 9);
96  			throw new WebfotosException(
97  					"Erro ao tentar localizar o EJB TurmasDAO via remote interface"
98  							+ ex.getMessage(), ex);
99  		}
100 		return ejb;
101 	}
103 	public MembershipDAO getRemoteMembershipDAO() throws WebfotosException {
104 		InitialContext initCtx = getEJBContext();
105 		Object ref = null;
106 		MembershipDAO ejb = null;
107 		try {
108 			ref = initCtx.lookup(REMOTE_MEMBERSHIPDAO);
109 			MembershipDAOHome membershipDAOHome = (MembershipDAOHome) PortableRemoteObject
110 					.narrow(ref, MembershipDAOHome.class);
111 			ejb = membershipDAOHome.create();
112 		} catch (Exception ex) {
113 			Debug.log(
114 					"Erro ao tentar localizar o EJB MembershipDAO via remote interface"
115 							+ ex.getMessage(), 9);
116 			throw new WebfotosException(
117 					"Erro ao tentar localizar o EJB MembershipDAO via remote interface"
118 							+ ex.getMessage(), ex);
119 		}
120 		return ejb;
121 	}
122      */
123 }