The following document contains the results of Checkstyle.
Files | I | W | E |
net/sf/webphotos/entity/ | 0 | 0 | 6 |
net/sf/webphotos/entity/ | 0 | 0 | 4 |
net/sf/webphotos/entity/ | 0 | 0 | 23 |
net/sf/webphotos/entity/ | 0 | 0 | 8 |
Rules | Violations | Severity |
| 1 | Error |
NewlineAtEndOfFile | 1 | Error |
Translation | 0 | Error |
FileLength | 0 | Error |
| 0 | Error |
| 13 | Error |
JavadocMethod | 5 | Error |
JavadocType | 1 | Error |
JavadocVariable | 2 | Error |
JavadocStyle | 0 | Error |
ConstantName | 0 | Error |
LocalFinalVariableName | 0 | Error |
LocalVariableName | 0 | Error |
MemberName | 0 | Error |
MethodName | 0 | Error |
PackageName | 0 | Error |
ParameterName | 0 | Error |
StaticVariableName | 0 | Error |
TypeName | 0 | Error |
AvoidStarImport | 0 | Error |
IllegalImport | 0 | Error |
RedundantImport | 0 | Error |
UnusedImports | 0 | Error |
LineLength | 2 | Error |
MethodLength | 0 | Error |
ParameterNumber | 0 | Error |
EmptyForIteratorPad | 0 | Error |
MethodParamPad | 0 | Error |
NoWhitespaceAfter | 0 | Error |
NoWhitespaceBefore | 0 | Error |
OperatorWrap | 0 | Error |
ParenPad | 0 | Error |
TypecastParenPad | 0 | Error |
WhitespaceAfter | 0 | Error |
WhitespaceAround | 0 | Error |
ModifierOrder | 0 | Error |
RedundantModifier | 7 | Error |
AvoidNestedBlocks | 0 | Error |
EmptyBlock | 0 | Error |
LeftCurly | 0 | Error |
NeedBraces | 0 | Error |
RightCurly | 0 | Error |
AvoidInlineConditionals | 0 | Error |
DoubleCheckedLocking | 0 | Error |
EmptyStatement | 0 | Error |
EqualsHashCode | 0 | Error |
HiddenField | 0 | Error |
IllegalInstantiation | 0 | Error |
InnerAssignment | 0 | Error |
MagicNumber | 0 | Error |
MissingSwitchDefault | 0 | Error |
RedundantThrows | 0 | Error |
SimplifyBooleanExpression | 0 | Error |
SimplifyBooleanReturn | 0 | Error |
DesignForExtension | 3 | Error |
FinalClass | 0 | Error |
HideUtilityClassConstructor | 0 | Error |
InterfaceIsType | 0 | Error |
VisibilityModifier | 0 | Error |
ArrayTypeStyle | 0 | Error |
FinalParameters | 6 | Error |
TodoComment | 0 | Error |
UpperEll | 0 | Error |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Type Javadoc comment is missing an @param <I> tag. | 22 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 23 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 24 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 24 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 25 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line has trailing spaces. | 23 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 24 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 24 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 25 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line has trailing spaces. | 25 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 26 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 28 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 28 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 29 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 30 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 30 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 31 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 32 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 32 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 32 | |
Parameter photoOne should be final. | 35 | |
Parameter photoTwo should be final. | 35 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 38 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 40 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 41 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 41 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 41 | |
Parameter photoOne should be final. | 44 | |
Parameter photoTwo should be final. | 44 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 47 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 49 |
Violation | Message | Line |
File does not end with a newline. | 0 | |
Method 'compareTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 24 | |
Parameter o2 should be final. | 25 | |
Method 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 29 | |
Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 34 | |
Parameter obj should be final. | 35 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 43 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 46 |